The church needs you

The Church Needs You

We live in an era of deconstruction. As I’ve watched friends and acquaintances go through this process over the past several years, it has seemed to me that there are two paths: the first back toward a faith with stronger roots than before, based in ancient truths and strong in theology where the modern church…

Spoons for Manna
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Spoons for Manna

“I’m running low on spoons today.” This is a statement which, at first glance, seems like an odd commentary on one’s silverware inventory. If you dip your toe in the chronic illness community, however, you will quickly understand its meaning. I am many things: A mom, wife, lawyer, Broadway musical enthusiast . . . and…

Open-Hearted and OPen-Handed
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Open-Hearted and Open-Handed

Blinking several times as we emerged into the bright noonday sun, Samantha and I were contemplative as we processed the meeting we’d just had with a printer and the myriad details we’d learned about printing the international cookbook Sam had been dreaming about for months. My friend Sam is first and foremost a bridge-builder. She…

Examine the Desires of Your Heart
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Examine the Desires of Your Heart

My youngest daughter sold her goats. The same goats she had worked so hard to save her money to buy, the same goats she had prepared for by working with farmer friends of ours who raised goats to find the best animals for her plans, and the same goats she had spent almost a whole…