Search Results for: learning

two women reading and taking notes together at a picnic table
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Servants through Whom You Believe

Recently, while reading through 1 Corinthians, I came to a full stop at chapter 3, verse 5. Paul was talking about how he had heard the Corinthian believers were dividing into factions. They seemed to have been bragging about who were the better Christians. “I follow Paul,” “I follow Apollos,” “I follow Cephas,” or “I…

two women conversing across a table
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Dealing with Straw Man Arguments

The experiences of those of us who grew up in the church vary greatly. The older I get, the more I understand that the people who mentored me throughout my formative years, especially high school and college, understood that I would encounter challenging questions and experiences that could cause me to question my faith in…

a Black woman with natural hair smiles as she looks into the distance
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Three Key Habits of Heart Happy Women

Are you happy? I would have cringed if you had asked me that five years ago. Not. Even. Close. I was utterly overwhelmed after my husband and I adopted seven children—some who’d faced past trauma. The kids’ attitudes were messy, the house was messy, and my heart was messy. As time passed, trauma therapy helped…