The Danger of Longing for the Past
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The Danger of Longing for the Past

I was sitting at my desk recently, fighting back anxiety, when I caught myself longing for the past, for “simpler times.” The stress of work, the surge of COVID, and launching a book were weighing on me, and I mumbled in my head, “If only I was back in college or in my early years…

Distinguishing God's Character from Our Own
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Distinguishing God’s Character from Our Own

My husband and I recently purchased a home built in the 1960s that needed some features updated. One of the challenges with an older home is that you never know what you’ll find as you begin repairs. It was important to me that the mirror my grandmother gifted us years ago was displayed in place…

Pain That Heals
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Pain that Heals

My pain intensifies, and I want to quit. But the voice encourages me to keep going, pushing through my aches and fatigue. When it’s finally time to lay down the heavy weight I have been carrying, I experience a sense of relief—and a sense of accomplishment. I’ve made it through another Body Pump class! My…