Why I Don’t Tell Facebook What I’m Thankful For

Thanks to the hordes of beautifully designed gratitude quotes on Pinterest which followed Oprah’s introduction to “Gratitude Journals,” saying thank you has become trendy, especially in autumn when Thanksgiving is on our minds. My Facebook feed is chock full of daily posts from friends who, for thirty days, post one thing every day for which…

Holiday Survival for Moms of Kids with Special Needs

I love everything about the holidays—the weather, the music, the food, the decorations, the gifts…You get the idea. I also (of course) love my son, Joey. My sweet, amazing, hilarious, ornery, fabulous son. He brings me joy every single day. He also has Down syndrome, and he totally rocks that extra chromosome. It would seem…

rest during holidays

6 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During the Holidays

It isn’t always easy balancing family, friends, and faith during “normal time;” during the holidays it can seem outright impossible. But there are a few things we can do to ensure we keep our sanity intact and peace in our hearts. In fact, the best coping techniques are probably habits we already have in place, and we just…

Devotion: Are You Attuned to the Unspoken Needs of Others?

“Any time you say, ‘That fed me, that nourished me,’ someone was the broken bread for your fulfillment.” ~Jen Hatmaker (Interrupted) I vividly remember an autumn day when I left my morning Bible study as weary as when I arrived. It was no fault of the material, the facilitator, or the setting. It had everything to…