Three Simple, Meaningful Christmas Traditions for Busy Families

I love Christmas, and I love traditions. But I also love my sanity. You see, the thing about traditions is you have to keep doing them. That’s what makes them traditions, right? Oh, the pressure. My kids are in a fun season. They’re nine, seven, and four, and they’re starting to remember (and expect) the…


How to Be Confident in Your Family Traditions and Avoid the Comparison Snare

Every Christmas when I was growing up, my grandparents bought me a new wood ornament in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Each one has my name and the year written neatly across the front. Each one represents a part of me. I have a Minnie Mouse, a ballerina, a cheerleading teddy bear, and even a sewing machine. By far those are my…


Christmas Letters: How to Keep It Real (and Why We Should)

I love getting Christmas cards and letters. I love to see pictures of my friends’ growing families, cute dogs, and homesteads. But with every passing year we receive fewer letters and cards than the year before. Maybe it’s because people have already posted the best photo they have on Facebook, or they feel like they’ve…


Why the Body of Christ Is Better than Santa Claus

“Is Santa real?” At some point, every child asks this question. And it was so much easier for me to answer it when my kids were little. I would just ask them, “What do you think?” and they would respond emphatically, “Yes!” with grins and shining eyes. But this year, when they ask, I have…