
The Call of Jesus: Will You Go When It Doesn’t Make Sense?

Has God ever stirred your heart to go? To do? To move beyond merely dipping your toe in unknown waters and instead jump in, armed with immovable faith and unshakeable courage? Come closer and listen in as I share how He recently did this in my family. Just a few short months ago, my little…

Devotion: Seeking the Greatest Treasure of Christmas

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” ~Roald Dahl Treasure hunts. Oh, how I absolutely love a good treasure hunt. It’s the thrill of knowing there is something special in your presence that just hasn’t been discovered yet. The…


Five Ways to Deal With Grief and Loss During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? What’s not to love? Jack Frost nipping at your nose! Presents under the tree! Decorations and dazzling lights aglow! Music, smells, and sights all awakening the nostalgia deep down in our hearts. Christmas has the power to transport us back to moments of innocence, laughter, and pure…

Practical Tips for Staying Sane When You’re Traveling with Kids

Practical Tips for Staying Sane When You’re Traveling with Kids

For those of us who live far from family, Christmas involves travel with kids, which can take the tidings of good cheer right out of yuletide. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about traveling well with children. I’ll share what’s worked for me in the hope that it will help you remain peaceful even…