Aubrey Sampson Overcomer

When Life Throws You a Game-Changer

The Glorious Table is thrilled to welcome Aubrey Sampson to the table today. Aubrey is the author of Overcomer: Breaking Down the Walls of Shame and Rebuilding Your Soul (Zondervan, 2015). Whoever said pain is a wise teacher hasn’t had their sixty year-old mother-in-law carry them to the bathroom. I woke up one morning in October 2015,…

What Are Your Value Tapes Saying to You?

What Are Your Value Tapes Saying to You?

A  client once told me that if she hadn’t gained five extra pounds, then maybe her husband wouldn’t have been “forced” to have an affair. Shame whispered to her that she was not lovable, respectable, or valuable, and her husband’s infidelity solidified these lies. Ten years ago, a dear friend was raped by an acquaintance….

Membership and Belonging: There Is a Difference

Membership and Belonging: There Is a Difference

I’ve joined a lot of groups in my lifetime. You probably have, too. It seems to be encouraged and expected. When you’re young, you join groups like Pioneer Girls, or Scouts, or Awana—maybe it’s mostly because your mom signs you up, but maybe also because you have an interest. In high school, you have sports…

Settling for Good

Settling for Good

The Glorious Table is happy to welcome Logan Wolfram to the table today. Logan is the author of the recently released Curious Faith (David C. Cook, 2016), which explores what is possible with a God who is unlimited, unpredictable, and ever-loving. “There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is…