The Importance of Discipleship, or It Doesn't Have to Be Big to Matter Big

The Importance of Discipleship, or It Doesn’t Have to Be Big to Matter Big

“You don’t have to start a new organization, or write a book, or start a new blog. Just make disciples.” ~David Platt We see so many “big” efforts for Christ, especially on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Fundraisers for charity organizations. Viral blog posts encouraging others. Campaigns to end human trafficking. Crusades bringing the lost…

Does God Decide Your Portion, or Do You?
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Does God Decide Your Portion, or Do You?

Virginia was hit hard with snow this year. Our boys, ages ten and a half and nine, have had two extended winter breaks from school—the normal Christmas break and then an additional extended break, when my nerves were a little raw one morning as we entered the Y. Our conversation went like this: “Elijah, watch…