Search Results for: living sacrifice

What Makes a Sacrificial Life?
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What Makes a Sacrificial Life?

During a nine-month study on the book of Romans, our small group found ourselves discussing chapter 12 the same week Reverend Billy Graham passed from earth to heaven. Our discussion began with what it looks like to live a life as a living sacrifice, as addressed in Romans 12:1–2. Romans 12:1–2 (CSB) says, “Therefore, brothers…

Devotion: Are You Attuned to the Unspoken Needs of Others?

“Any time you say, ‘That fed me, that nourished me,’ someone was the broken bread for your fulfillment.” ~Jen Hatmaker (Interrupted) I vividly remember an autumn day when I left my morning Bible study as weary as when I arrived. It was no fault of the material, the facilitator, or the setting. It had everything to…