
From Expectations to Expectant

We’ve all been there: A long-awaited family vacation, a special event, an important milestone birthday…a highly anticipated celebration. And then, out of the blue, something totally unexpected happens and ruins everything (at least from our human perspective). Can you think of the last time a special occasion or holiday season let you down? Our human…

The Blessings of Worship and Gratitude

Worship and Gratitude

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30 NIV) Throughout Scripture we see David praising and worshipping God in a variety of ways—playing the harp, dancing to music, and writing psalms. The psalms are authentic and unfiltered expressions of emotion directed at God. David expressed joy, sorrow, frustration, delight,…

Pumpkin Pie Authenticity
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When Thanksgiving Expectations Fail

Thanksgiving will be here soon, and then everything will be all right. That was my mantra during the autumn of 2004. It began with Hurricane Charley, which sent us scurrying to a nearby elementary school for shelter. While we hunkered down in the cafeteria, Charley pulled a few shingles off our roof and caused other…