Understanding God

What We Understand About God Matters

I’m done with easy-to-swallow Christian catch phrases. You know the ones: God is good all the time. If he brought you to it, he’ll bring you through it. Let go, and let God. Only God knows—he’s in control. These statements aren’t necessarily false, but they don’t capture the whole story, either. They often represent a…

Are You Fluent in the Gospel?
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Are You Fluent in the Gospel?

Have you ever been to a foreign country and were truly unable to communicate? I remember trying to figure out the Paris Metro when I was there for a brief visit during college. While many people in Paris speak English, I couldn’t find an English speaker at the stop where I was. I was feeling…

We Can Love and Disagree
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We Can Love and Disagree

My history with the church is a bit complicated. I was raised Lutheran and attended church faithfully for most of my childhood. In high school, though, waitressing on Sunday mornings took precedence, and my church attendance transitioned to more of a Christmas and Easter model. After many years, I began searching again and initially found…

Fractals, Suffering, and Hope
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Fractals, Suffering, and Hope

There’s a concept in mathematics known as fractals. Without getting too far into the weeds with a definition, fractals are self-repeating patterns. Imagine a picture of hundreds of triangles within triangles. Zoom in one aspect of the triangle, and you find the same pattern as the larger picture; the repeating pattern allows you to zoom…

What Does It Mean to Be One Church?

What Does It Mean to Be “One Church”?

“I believe in . . . the holy catholic Church,” states the centuries-old Apostles’ Creed, or, if you’re a Lutheran, “I believe in . . . the holy Christian church.” In the creed, “catholic” means universal, as in the whole, global church that confesses its belief in Christian doctrine. The origins of the creed can be…