In Defense of Self Care: What It Is and Why It Matters

In Defense of Self Care: What It Is and Why It Matters

I used to think self care was selfish. If I’m honest, it was because I was jealous. As a classic overly responsible, perfectionistic overachiever, the thing I most longed for was the ability to say no and find rest. And so, because I didn’t understand and couldn’t seem to manage my own self care, I…

Why Resolutions Fail Us, and What To Do About It

Dear friends, it’s February. According to statistics, the majority of the people who made New Year’s resolutions a month ago have already let those vows slip, slide, or even fall apart completely. Chances are you’re among them. If you are, I’m guessing you’ve experienced moments of discouragement or even feelings of failure, and we’re only thirty-one…