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Understanding Singleness

Being single can be very challenging. There is the loneliness, uncertainty of the future, feeling like a third wheel, frustration of dating, and wondering if God really has a plan. On top of that, there are many myths and misunderstandings that come with singleness. Our friends and family try to be encouraging, but they can…

Pumpkin Pie Authenticity
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When Thanksgiving Expectations Fail

Thanksgiving will be here soon, and then everything will be all right. That was my mantra during the autumn of 2004. It began with Hurricane Charley, which sent us scurrying to a nearby elementary school for shelter. While we hunkered down in the cafeteria, Charley pulled a few shingles off our roof and caused other…

a woman sits part of the way down on a copper slide, looking away from the camera
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What to Do When It’s Time to Let Them Go

I’m sitting in my bedroom this evening—Kansas summers are surprisingly sticky, and I’m thankful for air conditioning and to have all of my babies tucked in for the night. There’s a peace in knowing we’re all here and accounted for. I can rest in knowing that all of my ducklings are in the nest. I…