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You Have the Power

“The basis of world peace is the teaching which runs through almost all the great religions of the world. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Christ, some of the other great Jewish teachers, Buddha, all preached it. Their followers forgot it. What is the trouble between capital and labor, what is the trouble in many of…

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The Power of Confession

He wasn’t ready for it, my sweet husband. We’d just had a check-in with our counselor the day before, and all seemed well. All was well, really. I hadn’t knowingly concealed anything, but crashing in. The weight of weeks and months of comparison and feeling inadequate had literally brought me to my knees on the…

The Fire of Gossip
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The Wildfire of Gossip

At a prayer chapel on top of a hillside in Redding, California, I sat on the grass overlooking the city just one year after a raging fire swept through, destroying everything in its path. The Carr Fire jumped the Sacramento River, blew through three counties, and took more than a month to contain. Over a…

Confessing My Sins
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Confessing My Sin and Other Terrifying Things

There’s an episode of the much-beloved show This is Us wherein (no big spoilers, don’t worry!) Randall and Beth—the married couple viewers love to love—are fighting. In the stress and strain of trying to launch their respective careers, they both bristle with anger, each feeling unseen, underappreciated, less than loved. In a fit of pique,…