How Remembrance Leads to Repentance
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How Remembrance Leads to Repentance

Over the last few years, I’ve been exploring what it means to live out my faith in the context of racial justice and racial reconciliation. Throughout the process, God has led me to people of various ethnic backgrounds who have taught me so much about what it means to seek justice and reconciliation. The truth…

Will You Welcome Him This Christmas?
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Will You Welcome Him This Christmas?

Fifteen college students gather in a horseshoe of desks. It’s our last meeting of the year. “What’s your favorite Christmas memory?” he asks. I look around at the others, waiting for someone to speak up. I’m shy because my story, if I can even think of one, will be lame. Seconds later, in my mind’s…

Are You Reaching In?
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Are You Reaching In?

Eighteen months ago, my husband and I were co-teachers of an adult Sunday school class full of people we considered friends. The eight couples who regularly attended were people with whom we shared our lives—the good and the bad—and they did the same. We studied God’s Word together, we prayed for one another, and we…