The Giver Gets the Greatest Blessing
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The Giver Gets the Greatest Blessing

Tigist invited me into her home in Ethiopia because I was—and still am—her American sister/sponsor. When my heart was stirred toward orphan prevention, my girlfriends joined me, we pooled our money, and I earned the opportunity to be Tigist’s honored guest. The inequities of our lives churned inside me during our visit. Our two birthplaces…

Pastoral Families Need Cheerful Hearts
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Pastoral Families Need Cheerful Hearts

“A cheerful heart is good medicine.” ~Proverbs 17:22 NIV When my mother arrived at the hospital for my birth, she was accompanied by her mother because my father was miles away finishing seminary. (Please note, seminary.) My grandmother—whom I suspect was none too happy my father was, in her mind, AWOL—was so discombobulated that she…