two women conversing across a table
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Dealing with Straw Man Arguments

The experiences of those of us who grew up in the church vary greatly. The older I get, the more I understand that the people who mentored me throughout my formative years, especially high school and college, understood that I would encounter challenging questions and experiences that could cause me to question my faith in…

a woman smiling in the midst of a crowd while surrounded by bubbles
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What to Do When the Village Roars

In recent months, I’ve found myself mentally replaying a scene from the cult classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail titled “She’s a Witch!” As the scene opens, three villagers are excited at the prospect of burning a witch at the stake. They’re seeking the permission of Bedevere to complete their mission. Here is how…

two young women having a conversation
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Trusting God to Provide Community

My relationship with God has suffered during the last two years. My family moved, leaving behind a church we loved. We lost thirteen years of friendships, shared experiences, and our sense of belonging. Finding a church was a top priority, and we visited a new church every week in search of one that might feel…

three women walking away from the camera in a tulip field
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Don’t Say “I’m Worried About You”

Do you remember the last time you said to someone, “I’m worried about you”? How did they respond? How did they look? What about the last time someone else said these words to you? How did you feel? What was your gut-level response? When a family member said this to me recently, it made me…