Don't Just Celebrate Valentine's Day
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Don’t Celebrate Just Valentine’s Day

I have never celebrated Valentine’s Day. Perhaps I should clarify: I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day as part of a couple. Since I’m a forty-two-year-old who’s been married almost twelve years, you would think I’d have had many a romantic February 14. The reality, though, is that I have never had a Hallmark movie–style Valentine’s Day….

Where the Command to Love One Another Becomes Truth
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Where the Command to Love One Another Becomes Truth

“This is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another” (1 John 3:11 ESV). A hand-painted sign above my front door reads “Love one another” in elegant script. While the lettering and words are beautiful, I have the sentiment displayed there not because I like how it looks,…

Are You Hooked on the Right Kind of Love?
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Are You Hooked on the Right Kind of Love?

My heart sank as I heard the teacher call my name. “Megan, you’re being checked out for a doctor’s appointment.” I couldn’t believe my poor luck. It was recess time, and today was the day the stars were finally going to align. I had been cast to play April and my crush would be playing…