Does God Decide Your Portion, or Do You?
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Does God Decide Your Portion, or Do You?

Virginia was hit hard with snow this year. Our boys, ages ten and a half and nine, have had two extended winter breaks from school—the normal Christmas break and then an additional extended break, when my nerves were a little raw one morning as we entered the Y. Our conversation went like this: “Elijah, watch…

What Are Your Value Tapes Saying to You?

What Are Your Value Tapes Saying to You?

A  client once told me that if she hadn’t gained five extra pounds, then maybe her husband wouldn’t have been “forced” to have an affair. Shame whispered to her that she was not lovable, respectable, or valuable, and her husband’s infidelity solidified these lies. Ten years ago, a dear friend was raped by an acquaintance….

Membership and Belonging: There Is a Difference

Membership and Belonging: There Is a Difference

I’ve joined a lot of groups in my lifetime. You probably have, too. It seems to be encouraged and expected. When you’re young, you join groups like Pioneer Girls, or Scouts, or Awana—maybe it’s mostly because your mom signs you up, but maybe also because you have an interest. In high school, you have sports…

Finding Freedom From the Lies We Believe
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Finding Freedom From the Lies We Believe

You are not enough… If they only knew… If only my life looked like… This is how it starts. These statements are the beginning of many of my internal battles. It is exhausting. I long more than anything to be a woman who’s steadfast, unswerving in her identity, and serving Christ with all that she is….