Do You Have an Identity Crisis, or Is Your Identity in Christ?

Do You Have an Identity Crisis, or Is Your Identity in Christ?

Who am I? What is my purpose? I wrestle constantly with these questions. It seems I’ve been suffering from an identity crisis for most of my life. As a teenager, my identity depended on who I was hanging around. I enjoyed being the center of attention and being in the “popular clique.” One day I…

Growing Up Versus Being a Grown-up
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Growing Up Versus Being a Grown-up

When I was in my forties, I asked my mom, who was in her sixties, “Mom, at what age did you finally feel like a real grown up?” “I’ll let you know,” she said. “It hasn’t happened yet.” I thought being a grown-up would be a little less–I don’t know–messy. I thought it would be…