a woman silhouetted against the sunset
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Practicing Compassion for Ourselves

With tears streaming down her face, my client said, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be free of this way of being, of feeling like no one cares about me.” I sat still as she shared her despair, listening with compassion and deep faith. She talked about how, as she was growing up, her parents…

a pair of open hands holding a white paper heart
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Cultivating a Wide-Open Heart

In her book, Reclaiming Your Heart, Denise Hildreth Jones chronicles the ways her own heart shut down and how she reclaimed it. It has become one of my favorite books. What is extraordinary to me is the way God got this book into my hands before I knew I needed it. The year was 2014,…

What Story Will Your Life Write This Year?

What Story Will Your Life Write This Year?

In the foyer of our home, right inside our blue front door, is a rectangular canvas tote. It has (somewhat affectionately) been named our “COVID canvas.” It has collected all the trappings of our “COVID normal.” A calendar, a pen, and a thermometer to faithfully mark each school morning. Lanyards with the beaded names of…