light pink flowers with an open Bible in the background
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Peace in God’s Presence

Have you ever felt terrified? Not just afraid, but really, truly terrified? Perhaps you thought you were going to die, or perhaps you came face-to-face with your greatest fear? For me, one of these moments happened when I experienced my first anaphylactic reaction. I was in my early thirties when my palms and the bottoms…

an open Bible
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Why Avoiding Selective Morality Matters

Our boys are twenty months apart in age, and when they were young, we lived in a small town that required us to drive about twenty-five minutes each way to the grocery store. Once, after this half-day event, I was loading groceries and kids into our car on the cusp of meltdowns into our car…

the profile of a Black woman's face looking at the sky
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What to Do When a Door Closes

You know when something feels like a chore instead of a joy? Something is off. Either you’re burned out or you’re not in your sweet spot. Maybe both. Vocations and relationships can both oscillate between exuberance and burnout, all in one tidy little pendulum. That vague feeling that something is blasé is a mild version…