A Resume of Faith
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What Kind of Résumé Are You Building?

As far as resumes go, Moses’s life experiences‘ remain unmatched compared to those of most leaders. He freed an entire nation from slavery in Egypt and parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape. Moses also received the Ten Commandments directly from God, establishing the laws by which the Israelites lived. When Moses died,…

Take Time to Be Filled
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Take Time to Be Filled

Too often, I find myself acting out of fear. I make decisions based on what I think will please others, afraid of criticism. I say yes to requests that make me uncomfortable or don’t seem like my best yes because I’m afraid of rejection if I say no. I refrain from sharing my dreams and…

God Meets Real Needs
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God Meets Our Real Needs

In April, I always think of rainshowers, especially because we have a lot of intermittent spring storms where I live. In fact, this past month, we had one of those decennial rainstorms that causes quite a bit of damage. When those storms roll through, my mind always drifts to Noah. He was not only thrust…

God's Promises Don't Depend On Us
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God’s Promises Don’t Depend on Us

The prosperity gospel teaches that God rewards us with health and wealth in proportion to our faith. Passages like John 16:33 lead me to deny the veracity of these claims. But, while studying Genesis, I came face-to-face with how the message of the prosperity gospel had seeped into my own theology. I had unknowingly embraced…

Imitators of Christ
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Imitators of Christ

I’m a teacher at heart, but I didn’t stand in front of a classroom until I was forty-five years old. I’m also a confirmed introvert whose lifelong policy has been to keep quiet, shrink into the background, and observe but not be observed. This is why I so vividly remember the day—the moment—I stood in…