The Final Frontier
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The Final (or Possibly Second-to-Last) Frontier

We’re moving. Or, at least, we’re attempting to. So far we’ve made it a half mile down the road to my folks’ place. But at least it’s a step in the eastward direction we’re heading. We sold our home in November, packed nearly every earthly possession into storage, and squashed into my parents’ place. Moving…

A Resume of Faith
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What Kind of Résumé Are You Building?

As far as resumes go, Moses’s life experiences‘ remain unmatched compared to those of most leaders. He freed an entire nation from slavery in Egypt and parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape. Moses also received the Ten Commandments directly from God, establishing the laws by which the Israelites lived. When Moses died,…

God Meets Real Needs
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God Meets Our Real Needs

In April, I always think of rainshowers, especially because we have a lot of intermittent spring storms where I live. In fact, this past month, we had one of those decennial rainstorms that causes quite a bit of damage. When those storms roll through, my mind always drifts to Noah. He was not only thrust…