The Bridge that Unites Us
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The Bridge that Unites Us

“No, Mom,” my son whispered. “They’re asking if we’d like to go to a late breakfast with them.” I sighed audibly, smiled, and nodded. The lightbulb of understanding was finally on. After several minutes of trying to decipher what the Spanish-speaking couple was asking me, my son had come to my rescue and translated the…

Where You Plant Your Seeds Matters
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Where You Plant Your Seeds Matters

At this point in the year, I am yearning to plant something, anything. We have been living in a world of ice and snow, wind and frost for months. My fingers ache to dig into warm soil. My nose longs to smell the dark, rich earth. My garden is planned; my seeds have been ordered…

Make a Place for the Called Out
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Make a Place for the Called Out

I have an unusual habit. I write letters. I mean the old-fashioned, handwritten (in cursive), on pretty stationery, with a postage stamp, sent through the U.S. mail kind of letters. One reason I do this is that I enjoy receiving letters. There is a look and feel to a personal letter that almost casts its…

Submit to God’s Pruning
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Submit to God’s Pruning

I have a peace lily that has moved with our family across the United States a few times. Lately, the leaves have turned brown, and I’ve had to water more often. The peace lily is known for its low-maintenance classification and its ability to purify the air. Even its pruning process is low-maintenance—just simple deadheading….

What Does It Mean to Live Like Jesus?
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What It Means to Live Like Jesus

I spent 2020 assessing my faith. Here are some of the questions I asked myself: How many of my beliefs are actually based on what’s in the Bible? How much of my faith is rooted in my own concept of Christianity? How much is born out of my culture or my life experiences? It was…