If You Think You’re Too Small…
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If You Think You’re Too Small…

For the summer the devotional team members at The Glorious Table are taking a much-deserved break from the regularly scheduled Milk & Honey devotions on Saturdays. This season is one of extraordinary busyness, beautiful weather, wild family vacations, and, in general, everything simply being different than the rest of the year. So instead of the usual post to read…

Growing Up Versus Being a Grown-up
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Growing Up Versus Being a Grown-up

When I was in my forties, I asked my mom, who was in her sixties, “Mom, at what age did you finally feel like a real grown up?” “I’ll let you know,” she said. “It hasn’t happened yet.” I thought being a grown-up would be a little less–I don’t know–messy. I thought it would be…

Finding Freedom From the Lies We Believe
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Finding Freedom From the Lies We Believe

You are not enough… If they only knew… If only my life looked like… This is how it starts. These statements are the beginning of many of my internal battles. It is exhausting. I long more than anything to be a woman who’s steadfast, unswerving in her identity, and serving Christ with all that she is….