When It Comes to God’s Gifts, There’s No Missing Out

When It Comes to God’s Gifts, There’s No Missing Out

T. S. Eliot said April is the cruelest month, but I vote for January. Where I live, January is blizzard month. Christmas, with all its cheerful songs and twinkling lights cutting the cold darkness, is over and done. January finds me peeling Christmas lights from the frozen ground, lights that stopped working a couple of…

Comparing Yourself to Others…

Comparing Yourself to Others…

For the summer the devotional team members at The Glorious Table are taking a much-deserved break from the regularly scheduled Milk & Honey devotions on Saturdays. This season is one of extraordinary busyness, beautiful weather, wild family vacations, and, in general, everything simply being different than the rest of the year. So instead of the usual post to read…