Fatigue Is the Common Enemy of Us All…

Fatigue Is the Common Enemy of Us All…

For the summer the devotional team members at The Glorious Table are taking a much-deserved break from the regularly scheduled Milk & Honey devotions on Saturdays. This season is one of extraordinary busyness, beautiful weather, wild family vacations, and, in general, everything simply being different than the rest of the year. So instead of the usual post to read…

Are You Focused on WHO Is, or What Is?

Are You Focused on WHO Is, or What Is?

As a freelance editor for Christian publishers and ministries, I’m blessed to find my work uplifting, interesting, and mostly stress-free. The editing is challenging, but it also allows me to easily focus on God. He’s right there on the page, speaking through the words and stories he puts in the hearts of authors to share…