a blonde woman with glasses looks up, feeling the sun on her face
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Let the Spirit Lead

A pitcher of milk and a jar of honey

“Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer.” (Deut. 10:16 NIV)

I am definitely a stiff-necked person at times. I would rather do things my own way than God’s. My own input is the only one I listen to. I completely ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that I am not alone in this. Every Christian wants to say they walk in the way of God all the time and do exactly what the Holy Spirit prompts, but I hazard a guess we are lying to ourselves if we actually do think we make the mark, and not much has changed since the time of the Old Testament.

For over fifteen years now, I believe I had probably been ignoring a prodding of the Holy Spirit to share my faith with someone whom I love very much. On the other hand, maybe I had not been ignoring the prompt, but God was preparing my heart and mind (and likely my loved ones’ too) for when the time came to actually share. I will never know the full story from this side of heaven, but I am filled with joy because the opportunity to share my faith finally came up with this person and he received it so well. My heart pounded the entire time I talked, but he was gracious and interested and even thanked me for sharing at the end.

My nervousness did not stem from the story of the Gospel, although it is pretty unbelievable that God would come down from heaven as a man to be the sacrifice for my sin and then rise again to prove his power over death and the path to our own resurrection. My nervousness came from a place of love, a place of such great desire that he would hear the Gospel message and accept it as the truth. I worried I would be in the way of that process when the chance arose to tell the story. The nerves didn’t just disappear, but I felt the very real presence of the Holy Spirit during the whole interaction.

Here’s the best part: Since I had intentionally taken the opportunity when it arose and did what I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to do, there is a weight gone from my shoulders I didn’t even realize I was carrying. Was it a weight that was there for fifteen years? If so, lamentably, I had become used to it. Was it a weight that built up like crazy over the ten days he visited us? Maybe. Either way, I felt free in an indescribable way. Someone I love, who, it turns out, didn’t know the Gospel story basically at all, had now heard the best (true) story ever told and has the opportunity to dig in more and discover more about the great love Jesus has for him.

a blonde woman with glasses looks up, feeling the sun on her face

I am quite sure that I have ignored the Holy Spirit at other times in my life. I have worried about what I could say to convince another person of the validity of Jesus or the Bible or the Gospel story part of the Bible. However, it is not my place to worry. My place is to trust God in those thin places and let the Holy Spirit do the work of conviction and showing off the greatness of our God. I might think I am not the person for the job, but God uses us in our weakness to show off his extravagant love. He employs us when we think we cannot possibly be helpful and probably sometimes when we try to make it impossible to speak through us.

It is hard to put ourselves in a place of dependent trust in God, where he can use us to glorify his great name. I have to constantly remind myself that following Jesus is worth it and remind myself that God will show up. My greatest joys have been in the moments and times I have trusted that to be true and while I believe God wants us to share his story, the Holy Spirit is present in every situation. The Holy Spirit will give us the words and the gentle and lowly spirit we need in all circumstances if we have the presence of mind to call on him.

When we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit shows up. This is what he means when he says his yoke is easy, his burden is light, and he will give us rest. It’s all a product of a life spent seeking Jesus and his kind of love in every moment.

Lord, Help us to show off your gentle and lowly heart by sharing your love and your story with those who need it, by the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Let us love people with compassion and kindness, remembering our own great need for your love and salvation. Convict us of what matters. Let people see us trusting the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Amen

Scripture for Reflection

“You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 7:51 NIV)

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” (Luke 12:12 NIV)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30 NIV)

Reach for More

Is there someone you feel you should be sharing the Gospel story with, but you feel nervous or shy or scared about it?  Journal about it and write out a prayer that the Holy Spirit’s presence would be obvious to you and that when the opportunity arises you will be bold and let God show up. Are there other circumstances where you feel the Lord telling you to do something or show up for someone, but you have been ignoring that prompt? Write those down too, pray about them, and ask God to give you certain clarity of what is yours to do. Write down a few next steps about how to move forward based on what the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

Carla Clemens, Contributor to The Glorious Table enjoys a crazy, beautiful life with her military husband, four sons, and a daughter. A baby interrupts her homeschool days in the best ways, and she is always attempting to live with mindfulness of each moment. She hopes to look at the world and each person in it in light of our amazing Creator, and therefore, to see each moment presented as an opportunity to love and serve him more. Carla relishes time to ponder God’s Word and have quiet moments with him and her coffee. She loves doing life with other mamas and encouraging them to simply be who God has made them to be.

Photograph © Radu Florin, used with permission

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