
The Blessings of Freedom

I’m a first generation American, and one of the blessings that comes from that has been the ability to see our country through the eyes of someone who fought to get here and who has never lost the wonder of achieving that end–my mom. I’ve spent my lifetime witnessing firsthand what freedom does in willing hearts because of her. Here are five of my favorite lessons.

The promises of tomorrow are worth the risks of today.

Getting here was a challenge for our nation’s founders. They overcame obstacles like sickness, opposition, dangerous travel conditions, lack of resources, and fear of the unknown. Yet the opportunity to begin fresh and fight their way to a better existence, along with the hope of a life unfettered by oppression and conventional restraint, was all the promise needed to galvanize them into action and spur them on to unforgettable acts of courage.

Ventures work best when pursued together.

One of the greatest concepts to come out of the New World was “there’s room enough for everyone.” Competition and self-indulgence fell to the wayside as bonding over survival eclipsed everything else. People knew they would need each other to get through the rough seas and tough times ahead. Victory for one meant victory for all. The common goals of liberty and new life released them from previous expectations, allowing their humanity to shine through. The greeting of Lady Liberty awaited, with words like “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” The building of a nation took the cooperation of all its citizens.

We must never forget to be thankful.

This is my favorite of the lessons. Watching tears streaming down my mother’s face every Fourth of July moves my heart in ways that humble and uplift me. Her fight to get here was hard, a continuation of the struggles of generations before her. It’s a dream most of her family didn’t get to realize. She knows, without a doubt, what a blessing it is to be here. She knows hard work and perseverance are part of the package, so when life gets difficult, she is unsurprised and less frustrated than most. No matter what’s happening, or who’s elected, or how much healthcare/tax reform/legal jargon gets thrown our way, my mother unwaveringly believes that we live in the greatest country on earth.

The Blessings of Freedom

True freedom isn’t earned; it’s a gift.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines freedom as “liberation from slavery or restraint.” History is replete with stories of this fight, and many are still being written. Oppression chafes in all its forms, and breaking its chains is a common goal worldwide. We fight for the right to be free. We work to achieve this goal. But we don’t get our “just deserts,” good or bad. The immigrants of yesterday didn’t either. They didn’t “earn” their freedom; they just had to want it bad enough to show up, no matter the cost. I’m as free as my mother and the souls who braved passage to Ellis Island. I didn’t work for it. I didn’t overcome treacherous waters or survive wars and genocide. Because of the choices and sacrifice of those before me, I was born to it. Yet my freedom is no less authentic than theirs. We’ve all been given the same amazing gift—the release from restraint and burdens.

This is God’s country.

No matter who says otherwise, or what reminders are stricken from our currency, buildings, or schools, America was founded on the principles of life and liberty first introduced to us by God. The inspiration for the words displayed at the feet of Lady Liberty are found in Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (NIV). God holds us in his hands as firmly now as ever, whether or not we notice or have acknowledged him lately.

Like the struggles, hopes, fears, and prayers of the last 240 years in America, some faith journeys have been more treacherous than others, some lessons more hard won. Some of us have traveled long and faithful roads, while others, like the thief on the cross, find illumination in their final hours. Regardless, true freedom is available for us all. We have only to reach for it, recognize its presence, and bask in the Son as we live a life of opportunity and abandon. [Tweet “We are favored beyond what we can comprehend, and definitely beyond what we could ever earn or deserve.”]

It won’t be easy or always pretty. It will often feel less special than we might like. But none of that lessens the truth of the gift, or the fact that we are loved, accepted, welcomed members of the tribe. Our place is guaranteed, even if the mode of passage isn’t. We completely belong to the land of the free and to the One who opens its doors to us.

Rebecca_Greebon_sqRebecca Greebon is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and child of the One True King. She has a passion for sharing with others how amazing they are, how much they are loved, and how blessed every day is, even when we are lost or distracted or completely over ourselves and the world. Rebecca blogs at theriverchick.com.

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